Rock of Ages
Enduring, faithful, unmovable, steadfast – all words which rooted themselves in my expanding knowledge of God as over and over again He has placed on my heart this new Name of God: Yahweh Tsuri – Yahweh my Rock.
After finishing the Man of Sorrows painting last month, I knew I needed to immediately begin this next depiction of our Rock of Ages. What more timely Name to meditate on in the midst of sorrow, than this Title of God which evokes peace in the midst of any storm we face.
“You keep in perfect peace
one whose mind is stayed on You,
because he trusts in You.
Trust in Adonai forever,
for the LORD Adonai is a Rock of ages.”Isaiah 26:3-4 TLV
It is this description which so often appears on the lips of some of the most well-known names from the Bible in the form of praise, often even before the answers to their prayers. Hannah, for example, extols the Lord with this beautiful attribute even before she becomes pregnant with Samuel:
“There is no one holy like the LORD. Indeed, there is no one besides You! And there is no Rock like our God.” 1 Samual 2:2 BSB
David, by faith, many times declared God as His Rock – not only after a victory over his enemies, but also before and during the many battles and betrayals he faced.
“The LORD is my rock, my fortress, and my savior; my God is my rock, in whom I find protection. He is my shield, the power that saves me, and my place of safety.”
Psalm 18:2 NLT
It was this verse which called to mind the imagery which you now see. As I painted this lighthouse upon a rock of safety and protection, unmoved by the waves which threaten it, this is what I felt Him speak to my spirit:
“Tell my beloved that she is not going to be shipwrecked. If you will but trust in my gentle guidance and look into the light of My face, you will be safe. Just as a lighthouse warns of imminent danger and faithfully glows atop the cliffs – so I will be a lighthouse and a Rock for you in this season. Dangers abound, yes, but my Love will lead and protect you from true harm. Let your heart rest in my everlasting arms, wherein lies your peace. Trust in me like you have never trusted before and anchor your mind on me. Thoughts have a way of going to the worst possible scenario, but that is not my desire for you, my beloved. Let me be your Rock of Ages. I have weathered every storm for you already as I bled upon the cross. There is no sickness, no affliction and no not even death, which can have its way with you. I have purchased your life and your peace with the stripes upon my back. Is anything too hard for me?”
Beloved friends, I pray you are encouraged as you read these words and look upon your Rock and Firm Foundation – a lighthouse of hope which does not waver or go out. Let us also take after the examples of David and Hannah who did not trust in their own ability to win battles, bring forth promises or fight for their protection, provision or inheritance. These heroes of faith, among many others, did not look to themselves during the storms of life, but kept their gaze fixed on their Rock of Ages. May He find us doing the same in these perilous days, knowing our home lies not in this world, but in His coming Kingdom!