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About Heidi...
Ever since encountering the love of God as a student at Arizona State University, Heidi Ngai knew her art and passion for seeing the beauty all around us would never be the same. After graduating with a degree in fine arts, with an emphasis in painting, she asked the Lord what she should do with her ability to apply a brush to a canvas. To her surprise He seemed to be leading her to simply paint during the worship at her church and trust that He would do the rest. Through that simple step of obedience, God has taken her on an adventure she would have never imagined, painting the beauty of His purposes and heart often through symbolic paintings done during times of worship. Not only have many of her paintings spoken directly to the hearts of the recipients of her work, but she has also been given the gift of inspiring others to hear from God and create their own visual worship to the Lord through art workshops she began teaching in 2009. Since that time, testimony after testimony has revealed the impact of what God can do through the arts and His love for this creative worship.
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