Eyeh - I AM
Immediately following the last painting God gave me to depict Him in the midst of the seas, “Immanuel,” I couldn’t escape the desire to understand more deeply the mysterious name which the Lord gives to Moses: “Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh” or “I AM WHO I AM.” I was intimidated to say the least to embark on a painting that would convey this Holy Name, but the inkling God had given me wouldn’t leave. One Sunday as I was asking Him what to paint, the image of the burning bush came clearly to my mind and then vanished. In obedience I quickly bought a canvas and then my family and I were off to Colorado Springs to enter into a time of prayer of fasting for our Nation at the Contend America gathering. The timing could not have been more perfect. As we were there it felt like a moment in history when God’s voice drew us close, like Moses at the burning bush, and we heard the cry of His heart to set generations free in our time. We cried, contended in intercession, praised and waited on Him for hours every day. Each day we heard the gentle whispers of His heart, His redemptive plan and desire to deliver His children. It is a picture, I believe, of what is being offered every child of His right now. A season of grace when it is time to do as the Word says in Isaiah 55:6: “Seek the Lord while He may be found, call on Him while He is near.” When we do this, His promise in James 2:8 is: “Draw near to God and He will come near to you.” I AM, our covenant keeping God, is not slow in keeping His promises and by the very nature of His Name, “Ehyeh,” is not remote or aloof, but One who is always near, intervening on behalf of His people over and over again throughout history. Does it not seem that now, more than ever before, we are in need of the Lord’s intervention? We live in a period of moral decay, suffering, shakings, and rumors of war which is only escalating as described in the book of Revelation. In the midst of it all I feel the Great I AM drawing us close to the burning bush of His heart once again to declare His Sovereign power over His creation and His desire to partner with us to see the greatest Revival and harvest the Body of Christ has ever seen. The question put to me as I painted this humble bush aflame is, will I “turn aside” from my daily business as usual, as Moses did, and accept His invitation?